Film: Hope for the Future

credit by IRIS PRO FILMS 

Celestin is working on a docu-drama project titled, Hope for the Future. The story is based on his life as a survivor of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and his life as a street kid after the conflict. The film needs your support! Consider contributing - contact us to find out more. 

About the Film:
Through my film project, Hope for the Future, I am calling upon everyone to contribute within the limits of their availability and/or resources for the youth who are exposed and vulnerable in Rwanda and East African Countries. The youth are the men and women of tomorrow and their escape from their present vulnerability is important to our society as a whole.

My contribution is my film. It is based on the story of my escape from the streets.

Through my film project, I want to reach Rwandan people of all ages. In particular, I want to bring hope to street children, young orphans, widows and Rwandans. Hope for the Future will continue the fight against genocide ideology around the world by reaching Rwandans and an international audience.

I also hope to address the following issues in my film:
  • Children especially street children & orphaned children
  • Development of education after the genocide
  • Technology that promotes development
  • Gender balance, we did not have it before the genocide
  • Fighting prostitution in the youth community
  • Health education (including substance and drug abuse)

Script Cover
Moving forward comes down to the basics: funds are needed make this dream come true! The total projected budget is $12,000 USD. In order to send out this message, we need to start the conversation and to create an atmosphere for positive change and hope. 

Without this movie, we fear there will not be strong dialogue to create opportunities within communities and society at large. Films are the best medium to share stories, experiences and relate to one another. Genocidal ideologies are not unique to Rwanda. People who live in secure places have learned that genocide can happen anywhere. With the right conditions, the consequences of genocide can be fought as well.

Registration Number RDB: 224/11/RDB (Rwanda copyright 2011)
Hope is a big word and it means a lot. Hope plays a big role in the life of person especially in the lives of Rwandans who happened to go through the atrocities of the genocide. It is written in the history of Rwanda that in April 1994, Rwanda went through the genocide and it has serious repercussions on the lives of Young  Rwandais.  Rwanda is blessed with good governance and our leaders have brought back hope of a better future to Rwandans.

The citizens of Rwanda have accepted their past marked by a horrible genocide and have decided to move on with their lives. They now hope that everything will be alright! The survivor of a population with difficulties is built on hope!